Featured coffee: Morgon Montero Family Washed Geisha

This Montero Family washed geisha is from Costa Rica and was roasted by Morgon Coffee Roasters in Gothenburg, Sweden. Their tasting notes include jasmine, ripe papaya, and cotton candy. We chose to brew this coffee on the Kone with a 1:15 ratio of coffee to water.

Our recipe:

45g coffee — medium grind
675g water — just off boil

30 second bloom (100g)
Finished pouring at 3:05
Finished draining at 4:00

Tasting notes:

Two words: floral and complex. The intense florality is the first thing that hits you, but as the coffee cools tropical notes begin to emerge. We tasted mango, passionfruit, papaya — and yes, as Morgon's tasting notes suggested, even notes of cotton candy. These flavors, though tropical, are not exactly bombastic — they're refined, balanced, and elegant.

Our take:

A delicious gesha from the Montero Family in Costa Rica. Full of tropical flavors that never overwhelm, but stay in balance with each other for a rewardingly complex cup.